British Interracial Sex Goddesses Cuckold Whitebois
In UK Jungle Fever news, the amazing interracial sex goddess Keeley Hazell is set to star in her debut feature film, Venus and the Sun. And not surprisingly, it features her getting it on with a big black Adonis. Welcome to modern day UK – where white bois are wimpy cuckold geeks who try to deny their arousal to being cuckolded and channel it into wanking over horded porn and online interracial video clips. Where black men openly cuckold, intimidate and humiliate white bois and assertively pursue our most beautiful ladies for interracial sex. And where white girls are becoming awe-struck, lust-filled sex kittens around black men. No doubt this film will inspire more white Goddesses to go black! Any film starring the ultimate size queen and ‘fan of the black man’ Keeley Hazell should be required viewing for cuckolds. In the film Keeley plays Venus, the Roman Goddess of Love and speaks only in Latin.

Keeley Hazell cuckolds the whiteboi Librarian (foreground)
In other UK Jungle Fever news, we have two very different birthday parties, but both with interracial or cuckold sex themes. First up, when a black football player has a birthday these days, they are not only greeted with cakes and candles, but also regaled by a bevy of beautiful topless girls clamoring to be the interracial sex birthday present unwrapped by the birthday boy that night. Didier Drogba, Chelsea football legend and huge black stud, got an impressive birthday combo. Seeing photos of this birthday event was instant cuckolding for white boi Chelsea fans and footy fans in general. The amazing models seeking Didier’s big black cock were truly the icing on the cake for Didier. Or were the white girls seeking some interracial icing on their cake? Time and time again, big black footballer studs cuckold less manly white bois and put them in their place.
Second up, is the irony that on the very same nite, infamous escort, interracial sex Goddess and size queen WAG Jennifer Thompson was treated to a sex-themed birthday cake depicting her well-publicized sex-for-hire threesome with the cuckolded white footballer Wayne Rooney and co-escort Helen Wood. As you may remember Jenny only charged cuckold whiteboi Wayne for sex, but never charged any of the big black footballers she slept with a single pence.

The Cuckolding Continues for Wayne Rooney
The creative birthday cake showed the cuckold Rooney with a Shrek’s head (nota bene to your U.S. readers, Rooney’s nickname is Shrek due to his large head size, but no unfortunately, not that head) in a Man U football shirt on a bed with the two escorts whilst surrounded by plenty of £50 pound notes. Note the subliminal cuckold sex bit with the champagne bottle spewing only a little white foam. Was the famous cuckoldress Jennifer Thompson amused by her birthday cake? Apparently, the answer was yes!
Usher’s Sex Tape: Femdom Strap-on Action?
The previous rumors making the roundabout as to why Usher’s sex tape could not be released centered on the sex tape being too romantic and not raunchy enough to sell. Now, roses and romance smell like a cover-up, because the latest rumors are that the sex tape features Tameka strapping it on and fucking her former hubby, Femdom style!

Confession: I have definitely fucked some straight guys with my strap-on who were strap-on curious, but I did not consider them to be bi or gay. They’d seen enough strap-on porno to get excited by girls pegging guys and wanted to try it out. Most of them hated it for the first few minutes, then they liked it, to top it off they reported having the most intense orgasms ever. Maybe because it was due to losing their anal virginity or maybe it was due to the butt having more nerve endings in it than anywhere else on the body. Anal stimulation is amplified even more so for men, whose G-spot equivalent, known as the P-spot (P is for Prostate) is in the arse. So, Usher taking a strap-on in the ass Femdom style doesn’t send off bi or gay signals to me. It might be something kinky ‘n’ sexy that Usher and Tameka liked to do together. Tameka strikes me as being dominant, so maybe she enjoyed using her strap-on and making Usher her bitch. Now fans will have to hang in and wait re: whether the Usher and Tameka Femdom strap-on sex tape will be released…
Jake Gyllenhaal well hung?
Recently, at the music, film, food and alt festival known as South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, Texas, an altercation took place between actor Jake Gyllenhaal and an amateur with a digital camera playing paparazzi. In the men’s room. Jake was apparently minding his own biz taking a whiz when the opportunistic paparazzi wannabe snapped a few pics of Jake’s exposed wang. Can’t blame a guy for getting pissed, pun intended, when a urinal pose is snapped for the sole purpose to sell to tabloids or naked celebrity websites that might be willing to pay for naked celebrity pics.
After the altercation, the schlong schnapper was forced to delete the photos. But the word from several bystanders who witnessed the most exciting event at SXSW besides a surprise show by Jack White of the White Stripes, is that Jake is well-hung. Of course this set Size Queens a-twitter and on Twitter to talk and tweet about a sighting as rare as Moby Dick, the great white: a big white dick! Size Queens especially know that big white dick sightings are ultra rare occurrences.
Then the creative Taiwan animators who brought us the Tiger Woods car crash cartoon and other unforgettable and forgettable celebrity moments in animation quickly rendered their cartoon version of the men’s room showdown at SXSW. Although, the cartoon will not satisfy Size Queen curiosity about the big white dick, the cartoon should deliver up a quick laugh when Size Queen viewers see what the animators used as the Jake Gyllenhaal stand-in dick.
BBC Sex Tape Ushered In?
And speaking of Usher, the rumors are rampant that a sex tape has been shopped to all the usual suspects, but not by Usher. Usher doesn’t need to fame-whore by pulling the faux sex tape page out of the fame-whore playbook and he certainly doesn’t need the cha-ching either. About a year ago, Usher’s primo ride was broken into and a bunch of bling was stolen, including laptops supposedly on which there were sexy time recordings of the well-hung R&B singer and his now ex-wife Tameka. So the suspicion is that the slimy “smash and grab” thieves (thieves who usually smash car windows or break into cars and make a quick getaway with their loot) or their fence found the sex tape files on one of the laptops and thought they could make an even bigger score. No one has ascertained if the thieves targeted Usher’s ride or if it was just a random smash and grab and then the crackies or their fence realized that they had hit the smash and grab lottery. The word is that the Usher BBC sex tape is being offered for a million dollars to any takers.

While Tameka was quoted in the media denying there were any recordings of sexy times between herself and her sexy ex, Steve Hirsch of Vivid Entertainment offered to squelch the Usher BBC sex tape because he felt the nature of the material was too intimate. And rumors were rife that an Usher sex tape does exist, but that it wasn’t kinky enough. We can all guess that the sex tape probably has too much kissy-kissy lovey-dovey type stuff and isn’t nasty enough to sell as the typical sex tape fare regardless of Usher’s BBC. Although I’m sure it would attract attention from Usher fans and Size Queens who’d love to see Usher’s well-hung equipment and bedroom style! But the typical BBC sex tape buyers aren’t Size Queens unfortunately.
UK Update: Ushered Out!
First up, Interracial Cuckold Small Penis Humiliation Assignment for peewee, my UK blog correspondent and whiteboy cuckold. Peewee’s humiliating assignment? He must wear an Usher Abs t-shirt (as seen below) in front of white girl hotties to see if they have any snappy and snide comments to offer up about whether peewee can deliver on Usher’s rumored SSBBC* size. Because the Usher t-shirt is being shipped across the pond from the US to the UK, peewee has a few weeks reprieve before he must perform his interracial cuckold humiliation assignment! Then we’ll see if peewee is “ushered out” and cuckolded with *SPH! *SSBBC = Supersized Big Black Cock *SPH = Small Penis Humiliation

Big news in the UK today, Cricket Player comes out as gay. Why is this news? Wouldn’t it be more shocking news if “Cricket player comes out as straight?” Nevertheless, cricketeer Stephen Davies truly does have some balls for coming out. He took a big career risk for revealing his sexual orientation instead of staying safely closeted. Think of it as the US equivalent of a pro baseball player admitting he’s gay. Somehow I don’t ever see a baseball player coming out, emphasis on ever. Despite the innate homoeroticism in sports, football, baseball and basketball players are supposed to be straight manly jocks, not into cocks.
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Zebra Girls
It was only a matter of time before a major internet porn company (Dogfart, I know their porn name stinks haha but they are the leaders in producing nasty interracial and cuckold porn) grabbed the IR domain name Zebra has long been a code word in interracial lingo for all the white, latina and biracial girls who prefer big black cock. But then Zebra also became a subculture fashion trend where girls who were into interracial sex, would wear Zebra print or other black on white animal print clothing and become walking advertisements for their big black cock lust. Check the short video clip of me wearing an animal print top in the upper right corner of my website for proof. Let’s face it, girls who wear black and white clothing, especially animal print clothing, bikinis, heels, boots and accessories signify that they are Cuckoldresses, that they crave BBC. To them, whiteboys are just cuckolds.
The twist to the Zebra Girls website is that the interracial sex features lesbian black on white girl action, so the irony is that even white lesbians don’t want to do other white lesbians, instead they want black lesbians! Dogfart runs some of the most well-known kinky cuckold humiliation and interracial sex sites including: Blacks on Blondes, Wife Writing, Interracial Pickups, Interracial Blow Bang, Cuckold Sessions, Candy Monroe and Spring Thomas.
For your Interracial Sex Goddess and Cuckoldress eye candy viewing pleasure, let’s take a look at some of the hottest Zebra Girls in the US and UK; Cheryl Cole, Kim Kardashian, Keeley Hazell, Rihanna and Sophie Reade:

Prime Panty Humiliation!
Italian beauty, Sara Tommasi, 29, formerly one of Italian import footballer Mario Balotelli’s go-to girls, is now on the outs with black stud Balotelli due to her revealing tabloid tell-all about the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s bunga bunga sex parties she attended. Although she only attended two of the notorious debaucheries and claims she wasn’t a paid participant, she reports she was singled out by the pervy PM who offered to help her career in whatever way he could. According to Tommasi, the lecherous PM even pitched a career change to politics as an MEP (Member of European Parliament) to the gorgeous WAG which would have provided her with protected income.

Tommasi is a well-known model and Italian actress whose former boyfriend was famed Brazilian superstar soccer player Ronaldinho, rumored to be a well-hung cock swordsman. My guess is that Tommasi is not only a WAG, but an Interracial Size Queen!

Tommasi, who states her goal is to further her acting career, turned down the Prime Minister’s advances and offer of a pseudo parliamentary political position. Nevertheless, Interracial Size Queen Sara spilled everything to the tabloids, likely for a nice fee, about her interplay with the Prime Minister and what she observed at the bunga bunga parties, some of which have been written up as worse than Caligula. And while she was embarrassed in public by paparazzi capturing Balotelli shooting her the middle finger when he saw her walking down the street in a popular club district, Tommasi’s humiliation of the Italian Prime Minister obviously trumped any humiliation she might have borne from Balotelli’s rude gesture. And to further the humiliation of the Prime Minister, in protest of the PM’s satyric romps funded by a just discovered secret bank account, a protest was to have taken place today in Italy where women were going to throw their panties at the Prime Minister’s house. Panty Air Raid?
HBO going BBC?
from peewee, intrepid UK blog reporter…
I couldn’t agree more that the themes of BBC interracial lust and cuckolding are being swiftly introduced through our tv sets into the mainstream psyche. One can only hope these sexual themes will become the norm and not just used for cheap thrills, sleazy humor or derision. On HBO, other high caliber examples I have noticed over the past few years have included cuckolding and interracial themes on The Sopranos, In Treatment and The Wire. I think the examples on these shows represent some of the dark fears (no pun intended) and actual observations that people have about interracial and cuckold relationships happening in their lives or workplaces:
The Sopranos – In one episode, Tony postulates, poses and then panics about his precious daughter, Meadow, going black with her biracial boyfriend in his very own house.
In Treatment – in which the psychiatrist, played by Gabriel Byrne, watches his gorgeous young redhead patient jump off his therapy chair and run giddily into the arms of her waiting big black lover – with a very steamy set-up scene showing the lusty redhead indulging her black stud.
The Wire – in which the whiteboy cop, McNulty, has to deal with his attractive fuck buddy taking on his stacked, black Lieutenent knowing that he most likely can’t “measure” up. Small penis humiliation as well as cuckolding!
I’m sure my blog has highlighted only a portion of the shows where interracial BBC action, small penis humiliation and cuckolding have been featured. And right now, all I can say is: more! Sara
Cuckoldresses on the Hunt!
from peewee, intrepid UK blog correspondent…
You’re quite right Empress Sara. I am seeing so many more black & white, and zebra-patterned outfits on the girls over here. And it’s almost always the ultra hotties who are on the hunt for black men. And it’s true – white boys do now step aside for them. We KNOW it’s not us they’re after and even talking to them seems futile.
In fact, I’ve noticed a real increase in the assertive manner in which the hotties are prepared to brush off whiteboys and an almost aggressive need to express their preference for black men. Whiteboys know we are undersized and already feel the small penis humiliation and inferiority. And yes – I am very much aware whiteboys like me are no comparison whatsoever to the amazing black studs you Interracial Sex Goddesses admire so much. It can sometimes be very hard for whiteboys to accept we are inadequate and inferior, especially when we yearn to attract beautiful girls.
Truthfully, do you think these beautiful Cuckoldress Size Queens, like Sophie Reade, might be overdoing it just a tad? It seems really cruel the way they flaunt such amazing bodies and yet revel in reserving them for huge black guys. But maybe we do deserve ALL that we whiteboys are getting nowadays, given that we can never be real men. Maybe we deserve small penis humiliation. What say you Empress? peewee
from Sara: No I don’t think Sophie Reade and other Cuckoldress Size Queens are overdoing it. We know what we need, what we crave, and it isn’t a little whiteboy’s winkie. Women are becoming more sexually assertive, and this has built-in small penis humiliation, because women are rejecting wee-dicked whiteboys in favor of well-hung black studs. If the black studs are also superstar athletes or rappers and have a lot of $$$ or £££ then it’s even more humiliating to the whiteboys who never stood a chance any way. But as much as it’s humiliating, I’m sure it’s also a thrill to see Cuckoldresses in action, hunting their well-hung quarry.
Sophie Reade – Cuckoldress Queen or Cuckquean ?
the interracial cuckolding never ends! from peewee, UK blog correspondent…
Poor Melissa Castagnoli, the former Italian beauty queen moved to the UK to be with her footy player black stud beau, Mario Balotelli, the newest striker for Manchester City. Apparently, their relationship didn’t work out, though no official word surfaced as to why Melissa jetted back to Italy. And when I say poor ex-girlfriend Melissa, I mean both figuratively and literally, as she’s probably now money-poor without Mario paying the bills. But Mario hasn’t been lonely one bit, as Sophie Reade, Cuckoldress Size Queen, moved right in on Mario and dove onto his rumoured-to-be-huge black cock.
Sophie thought she and Mario had an exclusive thing going on, so when she found out otherwise, she was extremely angry at being turned into a Cuckquean! Her anger rose up a few more “hell hath no fury” notches, when she found out it was her best friend Faye Evette who had been sexing up Mario behind her back. Was it time for Cuckquean revenge? But then as it turned out, Mario was also bedding a third blonde. Bottom line: it seems like he’s not ready to settle for just one beautiful blonde trophy girlfriend, when he can literally snag and shag any pretty blonde who throws herself at him. Ahhh the life of a rich and well-hung black footballer, all the hot blondes money and a big black cock can lure, whilst cuckolding all the poor small penis humiliation whiteboy footy fans.
I thought you would love this photo of the two Cuckoldresses, Sophie and Faye in their Cuckoldress black and white uniforms…Just looking at the photo was so exciting! This is how they would look walking down the street toward you. Any cuckold whiteboy would just have to move out of the way, to let these supreme Cuckoldresses and Interracial Sex Goddesses pass.
From Sara:
The Cuckoldress uniform (black and white) is a signal to black guys that the hot sluts are into big black cocks and a signal to the small penis humiliation whiteboys to step aside, that they are superior Cuckoldresses. Even Cuckoldress clothing, in itself, cuckolds the small dick whiteboys who see the girls announcing with their slutty dress or laser cut leggings and lacetop over black bra: I’m into big black cock, step aside small penis humiliation losers.