The Bachelor is Gay!
While Vienna doesn’t leap right out and say: Jake the Bachelor is Gay! – she’s being way too classy selling her story {wink} to the tabloids about their lack of sex for many months and not even bringing up the Gay word!
Excuses as to why Jake the Bachelor couldn’t get it on, up or in, per Vienna’s confession to Star Magazine: “at first his excuse was that he was fasting. The second excuse was that he didn’t feel like it. And the third excuse was that he said that he felt that I wouldn’t understand that he wants to wait until marriage, even though I told him I’d support him.” She went on to lament that the only times The Bachelor would show her any type of affection were “on a red carpet or if cameras are there….Besides that. I have to ask him for a kiss.”
Poor Vienna, if she were into having a faggy fiance, she would have ordered him to go out and suck cock. And The Bachelor should just face it if he’s gay, and not try to build a faux reality celeb career as a straight dude. Why waste a pretty girl’s time and not be able to fufill her sexual needs, or his, for that matter, when they both need cock! That’s selfish. He needs to call me on Niteflirt. I’ll set him straight. I mean: Gay!
I realize that there are men out there who like me try to hide being gay by dating and lying to girls but when I called Sara of Saras Playroom she put me in my place and turned me completely gay. Do her Gay Brainwashing Games – then you will see what happens to you