2257-Info – DMCA – Rights and Permissions
18 USC Section 2257
All persons who appear in any visual depiction on this Website were over the age of eighteen years at the time of the creation of such depictions. All visual depictions displayed on this website are exempt from 18 USC Section 2257 and 28 CFR Part 75 because said visual depictions are not visual depictions of conduct specifically listed in 18 USC Section 2256 (2) (A) – (D), but are merely depictions of non-sexually explicit nudity, or are depictions of simulated sexual conduct.
The owner and operator of this website is not the primary producer (term defined in 18 USC Section 2257 and 28 CFR Part 75) of any of the advertisements displayed on the website. The 2257 information for all persons or models appearing in advertisements on this website are located at the proprietary websites for the advertisements or at their registered locations.
Valid, legal DMCA notices will be reviewed and action taken as necessary.

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Rights and Permissions
All rights reserved. No material, coding, indexing, title, artistic design, graphic creations, photos, media or written works may be used or featured by any parties. However, Sara’s Playroom has granted limited permissions for quotes from blog posts only to be utilized on other blogs or in web articles as long as attributed to Sara’s Playroom by referencing the URL:
Bloggers, writers, media looking for permissions prior to quoting from my blog, should contact me at:

Email is checked daily. Please send email with links to quotes utilized so that these extracts can be added to my compendium.