British Interracial Sex Goddesses Cuckold Whitebois
In UK Jungle Fever news, the amazing interracial sex goddess Keeley Hazell is set to star in her debut feature film, Venus and the Sun. And not surprisingly, it features her getting it on with a big black Adonis. Welcome to modern day UK – where white bois are wimpy cuckold geeks who try to deny their arousal to being cuckolded and channel it into wanking over horded porn and online interracial video clips. Where black men openly cuckold, intimidate and humiliate white bois and assertively pursue our most beautiful ladies for interracial sex. And where white girls are becoming awe-struck, lust-filled sex kittens around black men. No doubt this film will inspire more white Goddesses to go black! Any film starring the ultimate size queen and ‘fan of the black man’ Keeley Hazell should be required viewing for cuckolds. In the film Keeley plays Venus, the Roman Goddess of Love and speaks only in Latin.

Keeley Hazell cuckolds the whiteboi Librarian (foreground)
In other UK Jungle Fever news, we have two very different birthday parties, but both with interracial or cuckold sex themes. First up, when a black football player has a birthday these days, they are not only greeted with cakes and candles, but also regaled by a bevy of beautiful topless girls clamoring to be the interracial sex birthday present unwrapped by the birthday boy that night. Didier Drogba, Chelsea football legend and huge black stud, got an impressive birthday combo. Seeing photos of this birthday event was instant cuckolding for white boi Chelsea fans and footy fans in general. The amazing models seeking Didier’s big black cock were truly the icing on the cake for Didier. Or were the white girls seeking some interracial icing on their cake? Time and time again, big black footballer studs cuckold less manly white bois and put them in their place.
Second up, is the irony that on the very same nite, infamous escort, interracial sex Goddess and size queen WAG Jennifer Thompson was treated to a sex-themed birthday cake depicting her well-publicized sex-for-hire threesome with the cuckolded white footballer Wayne Rooney and co-escort Helen Wood. As you may remember Jenny only charged cuckold whiteboi Wayne for sex, but never charged any of the big black footballers she slept with a single pence.

The Cuckolding Continues for Wayne Rooney
The creative birthday cake showed the cuckold Rooney with a Shrek’s head (nota bene to your U.S. readers, Rooney’s nickname is Shrek due to his large head size, but no unfortunately, not that head) in a Man U football shirt on a bed with the two escorts whilst surrounded by plenty of £50 pound notes. Note the subliminal cuckold sex bit with the champagne bottle spewing only a little white foam. Was the famous cuckoldress Jennifer Thompson amused by her birthday cake? Apparently, the answer was yes!
very cool intellectual and informational blog on interracial celebrities and the superiority of black men sexually!