BBC Sex Tape Ushered In?
And speaking of Usher, the rumors are rampant that a sex tape has been shopped to all the usual suspects, but not by Usher. Usher doesn’t need to fame-whore by pulling the faux sex tape page out of the fame-whore playbook and he certainly doesn’t need the cha-ching either. About a year ago, Usher’s primo ride was broken into and a bunch of bling was stolen, including laptops supposedly on which there were sexy time recordings of the well-hung R&B singer and his now ex-wife Tameka. So the suspicion is that the slimy “smash and grab” thieves (thieves who usually smash car windows or break into cars and make a quick getaway with their loot) or their fence found the sex tape files on one of the laptops and thought they could make an even bigger score. No one has ascertained if the thieves targeted Usher’s ride or if it was just a random smash and grab and then the crackies or their fence realized that they had hit the smash and grab lottery. The word is that the Usher BBC sex tape is being offered for a million dollars to any takers.

While Tameka was quoted in the media denying there were any recordings of sexy times between herself and her sexy ex, Steve Hirsch of Vivid Entertainment offered to squelch the Usher BBC sex tape because he felt the nature of the material was too intimate. And rumors were rife that an Usher sex tape does exist, but that it wasn’t kinky enough. We can all guess that the sex tape probably has too much kissy-kissy lovey-dovey type stuff and isn’t nasty enough to sell as the typical sex tape fare regardless of Usher’s BBC. Although I’m sure it would attract attention from Usher fans and Size Queens who’d love to see Usher’s well-hung equipment and bedroom style! But the typical BBC sex tape buyers aren’t Size Queens unfortunately.