Small Penis Humiliation Shame
Give credit to Jenn Sterger for outplaying Brett Favre. When the Brett Favre penis-gate scandal first imploded, she played neutral, then played victim, then played ready to cooperate 100% and turn over the Brett Favre “material” to the NFL. She has been playing it, like a long drawn-out poker game, of course, propped by expert advice from her attorney. But now she’s ready to push all in, and take everything she has “public”.
Most followers of the Favre small penis-gate story have assumed Jenn saved everything she had on Brett as an investment portfolio knowing she could eventually cash it in. Knowing this might actually be his final season, was this the final season for her to cash in and seek her payday? The irony is, while she held onto the texts, Brett’s small penis selfpics and voicemails, she didn’t sell out according to her rep when Brett’s agent inquired “if there was a specific figure….to make this go away”. But it isn’t just against Favre for which action could be taken by Sterger, as she could also choose to file sexual harassment charges against her former employer, the New York Jets and the NFL.

But one thing we do know is most sportswriters and fans agree Brett Favre should have retired years ago, but he couldn’t let go of the game. Why? Is suiting up for the game and being out on the field in front of thousands in stadium and millions in front of wide-screen tv’s, too irresistible of an ego-driven compulsion? Does dwindling fame trump pain? Instead of going out in glory, Brett now goes out in small penis humiliation sex scandal shame. Most likely this sex scandal would not have reared its ugly head, let alone reared the ugly pinhead of Brett Favre’s small penis all over the internet for everyone to gawk at, if he had retired every time he said he was “going to retire” for good.
So now, in the next few weeks, we will see if the Brett Favre small penis-gate quietly disappears from the media, and Jenn gets her hush and “hit delete” money. Or if the NFL takes action or if Jenn’s legal team takes adversarial action instead.

What I still can’t figure out is, why, if a beautiful girl is spurning a man’s desperate horny advances, not responding to his texts or returning his phone calls, he thinks that sending his pathetic small penis pictures will change her mind about meeting him or sexing him up!?!? Men truly do think with their wrong heads!
Update: A former baller, Charles Barkley, was spouting off on the radio about sporty stuff this past week and when the convo turned to Brett Favre, Barkley had this gem to share with the radio station listeners: “My biggest problem with the whole Favre thing is if you’re going to send a woman a picture of your junk, it should be huge.” Small Penis Humiliation Shame! And peewee has an interesting comment to share (click on the red comment icon) about men with small penises, in general, humiliating themselves!
Great points Empress. Jenn has played a great game, that’s for sure. Whiteboys – even legends like Favre – are now prepared to humilate themselves at the feet of hotties like Jenn. She certainly looks a little more suited, and happy, with Tyson Beckford in the attached link:
OMG Yes…
Don’t know how I got here….
hot article about small penis humiliation. you really know your SPH stuff.
White boyz deserve small penis humiliation! Thank you Sara for reminding white boyz of their place!
men with small penises should be shamed and ashamed
Men with small penises should be humiliated!!!!